At last I've found time to blog. Woolfest was fantastic, I met lots of lovely people and came back all enthused to get back into my felting. Here are a few pictures:
I'd like to say a big thank you to my Mum and Auntie, who came along with me to help man the stand. It was so nice to have their support and company over the two days. I owe you both, thanks.
Can you see my Fibrespace bunting? I was inspired by Raspberry, who has very pretty bunting on her craft stalls.
Like I said I came back all enthusiastic, which is why my blog's a week late. I've been busy felting! Whilst preparing for the woolfest I didn't have much time to make things, and boy was I getting withdrall symptoms! If I did make anything before woolfest, I would feel guilty, and that just spoils all the fun, but now I'm back, which means the bare minimum of housework is being done! Oh well, I'm not too keen on the minamalist look anyway, I find clutter gives a sort of lived in charm to a house.
Pictures of my latests experiments with wool will follow shortly, all I can tell you is they're very pink, lovely delicious hot pink!! Possibly one of my favourite colours, it's certainly a reoccurring theme in my work.
Hi Beth, I was at Woolfest too and bought some things from your lovely, gorgeous, beautiful stall!!! I think it was your mom that was there and I talked with her about your Moo cards, which I adore!!!! Wasn't Woolfest fun??!!!! Loved every minute of it!!!! And, like you,came back sooooo inspired to felt more, more, more!!! Hugs, Carol
Saw your stall at the Woolfest and bought some lovely bits. Great stall. Unfortuanately you wasn't around to speak to in person. Perhaps next year. I hope you had as good a day selling as we did buying. Sandie
How did I miss you! Oh well, hopefully you'll be there next year!!
Woolfast was fab wasn't it, hope you did well, the stall pics look fantastic!
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