Sorry it's been so long, I don't seem to have any spare time at the moment, and my little lad will no longer leave me in peace when I'm on the computer. He's either pressing buttons or demanding the cbeebies website!! Just thought I'd show some more presents I've been working on.
I made a couple of felt crowns for some little girls I know, who love to dress up. This is one of them.
The felt hat is for my daughter, I was going to save it for a Christmas present, but I needed to check the size as I was felting, so she already has it. She looks very cute in it, I did try and take some photo's of her wearing it but she felt the need to dance at the same time, so they're all a bit blurred. I might enter it into the felting forum competition. This is only the second hat I've done, the first was on Vivienne Morpeth's workshop. I think if I ever do another I will felt it inside out, as I do with bags, because there is a bit of a ridge on the join, which really bugs me.
The monkey is a present for my 2 year old son. This is the second monkey I've made as the first was a bit of a disaster, very ugly!! I showed the first to my little boy to gauge his reaction. He gave it a hug, but when I asked if he wanted it he replied "nope" and gave it right back to me, he hasn't been anywhere near it since. Hope he's more enthusiastic about this one on Christmas morning. The little coat is felted. I'm quite pleased with how monkey no. 2 turned out, but I want to have a go at a third, as he needs a few adjustments. However, that will have to wait until after Christmas, I have at least 4 more presents to make!!!!
Here is a Christmas angel my Mum made for my daughter to hang in her bedroom, it is hung at the end of her bed so the angel watches over her as she sleeps. Isn't she pretty, I think she was inspired by seeing my daughter as an angel in the school nativity. Thank you Mum.
Monkey is brilliant! If your son doesn't like him..... ;)
I love monkey too! Hes gorgeous!
The dress that the angel is wearing was a bit of fabric left over from a dress that I made for my granddaughter, so the angel and E have a connection
The crown is divine, I want to wear one while cooking tea every night!!!!
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