Saturday, August 04, 2007

Oops, nearly forgot to post. I was just getting comfy on the sofa, contemplating what crafts to start this evening. Think I'll get my yarn stash out, I've been making some crochet cuffs recently and I've got a bit hooked. Here's some of them, I spent this morning listing them on Etsy, boy that takes a long time!! I hate listing.

The last cuff was inspired by the sea, I took a lot of pictures whilst at Hornsea, and would like to work on a series of felt pictures with a sea theme. Just not sure when I'll get chance, I might have to shelve it until next month. At the moment I'm working on the contents for my new workshops: felt a bag; felt jewellery and felt scarves. Details of dates and venue are available here.


artyfartykat said...

The cuffs look fab, see why you got hooked! No pun intended!
What a talented family you have. Do you inspire each other?
Your holiday sounded lovely and has given you so much inspiration too

Skein Queen said...

These are pretty