Oh my, two posts in one day!! I am in the process of making five of these mini monster pin cushions, but I've managed to finish these two already, and couldn't wait to show you. I'm going to give one away to a lucky reader, to enter just leave a comment below, I'll draw the winner on Monday the 7th of April, and they'll be able to pick their favourite (I should have at least three more by then).
I am so impressed by these eyeballs. I've been totally down with the eye recently, and felted is even better. These are realistic and AMAZING. I love 'em.
I just discovered you from the Craft: blog....your stuff is so cool! I love the monster with the eye popping out....and your monster bags....and these pincushion eyes....how fun!
So. For over 9 years, my sister-in-law and I have been sending images and objects of eye balls to one another in response to seeing a pamphlet advertising colored contact lenses when they first came out. These pin cushions are great. She is crafty. And it's an eye ball. Please select me! (my sister in law will be so happy)
Those are the best creepiest eyeball things I have seen all day. They could only be better if they were made of candy but then the whole pin cushion functionality would be lost.
Discovered you via craftzine and headed right over to your etsy shop to have a look. Your work is amazing, and I especially love the biographies of your monster bags. Delightful!
Wow, love the monster eye ball..REALLY love your monster bags too..you are scary talented..and your brother is a lucky man to get that Gorgeous TREE!!!
Fantastic! As an eyeball afficionado, I am charmed by this googler, and indeed it may have been the straw that broke my resistance to attempting to learn the art of felting.
If I win your eyeball I will retire my Turkish blue glass eye and wear a beautiful felted one around instead! I can't think of better luck that that. Hope I'm the happy winner!
WOW wow ! ! ! If I am not a luck one to get one Please Please ! let me know how you did this . so I can try and make one for my self I just have to have one even if it is nor as good as yours ! WOW very very cool gotta gotta have one !
Love these!! Great idea & very, very cute. I would love to learn how to do these kind of things. Will definitely start following you. Maybe, I'll just learn something! ;)
These are so gross and awesome! I love your monster bags too. xo@caitl.in
best monster eye ever! i love the one with the blue hair, wish i could have hair that color.
Creepy . . . . yet delightful!! I LOVE them. Very creative.
the pink one is sooo creepy - i heart it!
OMG these are sooooooo cute! I love them!!
Those are great! I like the human-looking one the most I think.
Never thought I'd say this about a gruesome monster eyeball, but they're AWESOME!
I love these crazy creative creepy cute eyeballs! I must have one for my own! Awesome work.
These are soo wonderful.
Those are super awesome sweetness!!!
The eye with Siouxsie goth makeup is my favourite. Beautiful.
those are awesome...you should post a tutorial, I'd love to make one myself
Oooo... I love these! Very creative
how adorably creepy! I love them!
I am so impressed by these eyeballs. I've been totally down with the eye recently, and felted is even better. These are realistic and AMAZING. I love 'em.
positively the awesomest pin cushion I have seen. Stick a needle in my eye....love them.
That is replacing my miniature couch as the best pincushion ever. Really!
I just discovered you from the Craft: blog....your stuff is so cool! I love the monster with the eye popping out....and your monster bags....and these pincushion eyes....how fun!
I love the monster eye!
I love those!! totally cool!
I love it!
Those are fabulous (and would make a great addition to my pincushion collection!)!!
I would love a monster eyeball pincushion!
An eyeball pincushion? How could I not want one of those? Very cool!
I came to your blog via Craft, great stuff!
That is so cute!
I clicked over from the Craftzine blog. so wondrously creepy! the second one makes me think of the Eleni Mandell song, Alien Eye.
"one alien eye
broken over easy
running slightly to the right"
AH! I will have to use more pins. Or less pins... then I can leave them stabbed into the monster eye.
Way cooler than my mom's tomato pin cushion.
cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my EYE!
Creepy and awesome
Brilliant, I'd love to win a monster eyeball pincushion. Can't wait to see the other ones you make.
Ooo! Fantastic! I'm just learning needle felting so I "hearted" your Etsy shop for when I need more supplies. :)
Eye love it! especially the pink one!!
Those are fantastic! I also just found you from the CRAFT magazine blog. What fun work you do!
These are kind of weird. I like the green one.
Love the green one! I also love the bags you made - they're so personable.
carollovesyarn at gmail
That is truly freaky! Love it! I like the pink one better!
I actually need a pin cushion & these are too cool. Count me in!
These are WONDERFUL. I think my favorite is the green one.
jannasp at gmail
The pink one looks tired and perhaps somewhat frustrated. Or maybe I'm just projecting how I feel by the end of most sewing projects.
Great personalities on both!
Those are so gross, but I love them!
when this pincushion and i locked eyes we knew we were meant for each other...
::thinking very hard on an April Fool's prank involving a realistic fuzzy eyeball::
I'll think of something! :) Very awesome!
we are having major serious crushing on your monster pin cushions.
Wonderful, icky & charming all at once!
Very very cool! These would fit in with my Halloween decor ;)
Disturbing. Yet I can't look away.
wow, how unique! at first you're like wow that's creepy, but then you're drawn in and just want one really badly! love it.
i hope i win :)
creepy but cool. talk about sticking a needle in your eye...
So. For over 9 years, my sister-in-law and I have been sending images and objects of eye balls to one another in response to seeing a pamphlet advertising colored contact lenses when they first came out. These pin cushions are great. She is crafty. And it's an eye ball. Please select me! (my sister in law will be so happy)
heehee thats awesome!! <3
Super way cool! love them! I can see one of my kitties taking off with one now....... :)
I'd love to win one. They're pretty awesome.
The green one would be fab for my zombie collection
Those are totally amazing! I'm super impressed :D
phillipr (at) reed dot edu
I would love one of these, but I would feel bad if I stabbed it, maybe not too bad..
Those are amazingly cute! I want one!
Those are the best creepiest eyeball things I have seen all day. They could only be better if they were made of candy but then the whole pin cushion functionality would be lost.
that is one wicked cool eyeball
This is absolutely amazing - i especially like the pink one!
Really good work!!!
With best regards from Germany,
Oh my! Too too good!
These are seriously rockin' - good work!
the eye lash really defines the cushion. OMG so cute.
Wicked! What a great giveaway!
I bet you're swamped with comments after being on Craft ;-)
swamped indeed, because it's the coolest eyeball ever!
This is a giveaway I can't resist. The eyes are just fabulous! :-)
Hilarious. Wouldn't that add humor to my sewing room. Count me in!
hey! I've been looking for my eyeball, and here it is!
That's awesome! Count me in :)
Very very cool, who wouldn't love to stick pins in an eye?
I LOOOVVEE these! I have been collecting anything monster or alien related lately...everything is so cute!
I love the creepiness!
I love 'em, and your blog is fascinating! Just stumbled on it this morning!
Just the kind of thing my daughter would love! All your designs are truly creative.
These ROCK!
staceyrothrock at yahoo dot come
My eyes, my eyes!!! How fun would that be to place in stragetic unexpected areas... what a lovely life such an eye would enjoy here!
That is just too fun!
That's super creepy! and awesome!
I would love to win a monster eye!......... they are awesome, love'em!!!!!
Discovered you via craftzine and headed right over to your etsy shop to have a look. Your work is amazing, and I especially love the biographies of your monster bags. Delightful!
Love the eyeball. so gruesome..
aaaack! How wonderful! Put me in, I'd like one of these on my craft table.
Wow, love the monster eye ball..REALLY love your monster bags too..you are scary talented..and your brother is a lucky man to get that Gorgeous TREE!!!
amazing! I love them, I can't decide...
So hilariously creepy! Want one of everything you created.
Fantastisch! I think they are just lovely.
Great work.
That's so unique! I want it! :)
very cute. i'll be adding your blog to my reader, stat!
I love them!
Love the pin cushions, can't wait for more monster bags too.
Oh - gruesomely adorable little things, aren't they? :D I have my fingers crossed that I'll win!
Too awesome. ::hopehopehope::
Those are the coolest pin cushins ever.
oh my! love your eyes! and the idea of using it as a pincushion! ow, but brilliant
I've got my eyes crossed, hoping I win
It is both creepy and super cute.
My husband's response was "ew."
I want one.
those are awesome!
These pin cushions would make my eye twitch every time I stuck a pin in them. So awesome!
Creepy and cool. Great idea! You can just about do anything with needle felting, can't you?
Oooooo I love those monster eyeballs! My wife made me a scarf with eyeballs on it:
This is awesome, and she'd love to have a monster eyeball pincushion.
edwin at simreal dot com
I would LUV to win an eyeball. I think your creations are wonderful. Will you be making more monster bags to sell? My little sister would love one.
Love the eyeballs! I'd love to stick a pin in my eye(cushion).
Whoahhhhhhhhhh, ::bows down::
Those are fantastico!
Cute! So cool! Thanks!
I would love to be followed by a very disapproving eye while stitching.
My mom would be so bothered by this...
Wow -- those are too cool! I love all your stuff!
These are fantastic. Love them.
if I don't win I'll just have to figure out how to make them myself - they are so gruesome- I love it :-)
Oooh those are SO cool! What a great idea, and so obviously well done :)
Love 'em!
I love your monster and eyeballs - they all have sooo much character! This is the awesomest felting I've seen yet!
I love your eyeballs and monsters! They all have such character - these are the awesomest feltings I've seen so far!
I love these!
I love love love the pink one.
It's super creepy-awesome!
love them!! look forward to seeing the others!
Wow, those are great!
I would use this to scare my kids, because I'm a mean mommy.
I like the idea of an object that I pierce with pins watching me do it
I love it... and I need a pincushion!
What a unique idea for a pin cushion. And so well executed - love it!!!
You are so incredible. Reminds of Pee Wee's eyeball monster. Can't remember his name.
I love the eyeballs - the stray strands look like the optic nerve that was ripped out!
These are truly wonderful :D!
So very well done. Love them, and can't wait to see the others!
these are awesome. i'd buy one if you were selling them
Fantastic! As an eyeball afficionado, I am charmed by this googler, and indeed it may have been the straw that broke my resistance to attempting to learn the art of felting.
Those are awesome - what a great idea. Gives a whole new meaning - "you'll poke your eye out!"
these are fabulous. i love your felting. the blog is getting bookmarked for sure!!
Wow! These are amazing. I want to buy... now! :)
yummy eyeballs & cute too. :-)
Aaaah, they are terrible and wonderful all at once!
taking voodoo to a whole 'nother level. I LOVE these.
Now I wouldn't mind one of these for my birthday! (don't include me in the comp. just send me one right now!) The number one lady of Hornsea!
These are really fun! 'Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye.' Grin.
Very original! I love it!
Ooh, I'm in!
Awesome! My wife would *love* this.....
These are wonderful! I'd love to use them in class with my students (I teach in a medical school in Kansas City). These would be a hit in class..
Funny! I'll throw my hat in.
VERY inventive! But the thought of sticking a pin in the eye...Ouch!
Those are all so fabulous.
Those are awesone!!
I love them especially the pink one. I've got my eye on it. I would love to get my hands on one!!!
I am absolutely smitten!!! How cool to have a monster eyeball pincushion! So creative.
Love these, especially the hair-do's!
How adorable! I love the green one especially as it seems so alien and more monster-y!
If I win your eyeball I will retire my Turkish blue glass eye and wear a beautiful felted one around instead! I can't think of better luck that that. Hope I'm the happy winner!
Great balls of fire! A monster eye pin cushion - love it!
These are awesome!
You have no idea how in absolute LOVE I am with your eyeball pincushion(s)! They are absolutely awesome!
Thanks for the opportunity to win one, too!
Oh wow, neet! I'd LOVE to have one of these...
WOW wow ! ! !
If I am not a luck one to get one Please Please ! let me know how you did this . so I can try and make one for my self I just have to have one even if it is nor as good as yours ! WOW very very cool
gotta gotta have one !
Fantastic! I had no idea how much I needed one on those!
Wow, a telescope right into my soul. What a cool concept! Sign me up for the contest. Where can I purchase one?
what an amazing pincushion!
i want one!
I would love to have one of the pink ones!!! what´s the price?
OMG I LOVE them. The pin with the blue hair is to stick pins in my eyes for....
I found this researching monster eyeballs for my ceiling installation which will be reflective metal with metal drips from the eyeball.
I neeeeed a spare eyebal.
: )
Love these!! Great idea & very, very cute. I would love to learn how to do these kind of things. Will definitely start following you. Maybe, I'll just learn something! ;)
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